HCM Integrations & Analytics Hub logo with text around a circle conating a graphic of three people in a rising bar graph split with an right upward arrow.
Tap Innovations Logo and Paycor logo side-by-side

TAP Innovations develops a Small Business Database Tool for OnTarget Partners that includes 661,000 businesses in the United States. 

This innovative, dynamic search tool for business brokers, private equity firms and B2B marketers houses over 661,000 business records for strategic targeting and marketing. Small to medium-sized businesses with revenues between $2 million to $100 million are included in the database and can be identified by geographic locations, industry, revenue, and many more detailed search criteria. Unique identifiers such as NAICS codes, regions and other business information makes the user experience positive and efficient with enhanced search capabilities. This innovative database tool enables businesses to search, build and save tactical market lists of organizations to market to for acquisitions and other business opportunities.

View a demo of the tool.

TAP Solves High-Usage and Unpredictable Data and Network Plan Billing Challenges through TAP AI and other Solutions

24/7 data monitoring is a necessary business expense for one organization that aids the court system in monitoring user transdermal alcohol levels through wearable devices. This company monitors thousands of devices across the country which can consume unpredictable and significant amounts of plan and network data. Data overages add up to a staggering amount and are charged at a higher cost, sometimes causing the monthly bill to increase 100% from $75,000 to $150,000 per month just on data usage alone.

Customer challenges:

  1. Unpredictable monthly phone bills due to overages.

  2. Increase in operating expenses due to overages.

  3. Manual efforts to monitor the data usage and to take actions for upgrading the data plans.

This organization looks to reduce unpredictable costs and:

  1. Identify individual devices that are exceeding their data plan limits they could

  2. Take action by upgrading the device to the next data plan level and reduce the bill

  3. Analyze reports and other business data to adjust business operations real-time

TAP’s cloud-based solutions resolve operational and financial challenges:

  1. System integration to provide real-time identification and access of wearable device information

  2. Process automation and user-friendly workflows

  3. Customer prompts and alerts based on data usage, TAP’s Actionable Information Solution (TAP AI)

  4. Customized reports for a global view of device data

TAP Innovations Expands Services for Member Data Management and Medicare Information Access with MLR Tribal Solutions

MLR Tribal Solutions moves into phase two implementation of cloud-based system integration and replacement services

TAP Innovations, a leading provider of cloud-based integration solutions across people and data enterprises, announced today that it has completed implementation phase two for MLR Tribal Solutions. Additional functionality for billing and record management, provider data access and check claim processing supports MLR’s commitment to improve member experiences through better data from integrated systems. MLR Tribal Solutions, LLC provides Medicare-Like-Rate (MLR) claims  processing and payment for Native American Health Departments. TAP was recently selected to overhaul MLR member data management processes and manual efforts by replacing SharePoint and other non-integrated systems.

TAP solves Manual Efforts and Spreadsheets (MESS) with cloud-based solutions and components. Solutions for efficiencies in claims, check processing and billing data access highlights phase two implementation. MLR gains the ability to:

  1. Access pre-populated patient and provider NPI information
  2. Void, print and other efficiencies in claim check process
  3. Identify and match duplicate checks and records
  4. Capture clinical information like CPT codes
  5. Enhance claim image processing and validations
  6. Increase notifications and comprehensive reports

“Claims processing and billing plays a significant role in positive experiences for members, partners and MLR Tribal Solutions team members,” remarks John Ragsdale, TAP Co-founder and Board Chair. “Access to accurate, real-time data improves those experiences and we are thrilled to continue to provide MLR Tribal Solutions with market-leading solutions at an affordable price.”

Process automation enables MLR Tribal Solutions to automatically extract images from the claim processing batch and associate it with the claim. Also, verification technology validates that batch pages are not misassigned to claim images for accurate information processing.

Read more about the TAP and MLR business history here.

TAP eliminates the need for keeping and updating Excel spreadsheets and disparate file data while streamlining fragmented workflows and automating manual processes. TI Core is easy to implement and can meet immediate interoperability goals for organizations struggling with big system data gaps.

About TAP Innovations

theAppPlace (TAP) Innovations delivers cloud-based solutions for business Digital Transformation. TAP…THE Integrated TI Core automates manual processes and greatly reduces spreadsheet sprawl, actions data into information and performs intelligent content organization across people and entity enterprises. A growing set of TI Core Modules for CRM, Business Intelligence, Integrations, and more are web and mobile enabled and quick to fill data interoperability gaps with core business systems. TAP Innovations solutions have been implemented to streamline business processes for leading healthcare and financial management organizations as well as internal departments for companies from 50-15,000 employees and users. Visit https://tapinnov.com/ to learn more.

TAP Industry Analysis (TIA) Spotlight – Tom Hosseini, Principal, Capro Consulting

John Ragsdale Interviews Tom Hosseini, Principal, Capro Consulting, with 3 Questions in 9 minutes. Business Challenges during the COVID19 Pandemic.

TAP Builds the Trucking/Equipment Company’s Road to Efficiency

Tired of paper? Are multiple systems the answer? Do you spend hours trying to track your trucks and equipment in spreadsheets? Do you have unproductive hours, inaccurate and incomplete invoicing, or missed revenue? You can’t operate on Manual Efforts and SpreadSheets…What a MESS? So…Where can you find affordable custom IT, data integration, SaaS and resource solutions to solve your MESS? TAP Innovations…Yes! Contact TAP…www.tapinnov.com or 972.842.4554 and let’s start your road to efficiency today!